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Kangaroo & Emu
the golden wattle
national colours, green and gold
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Information from
Kangaroo & Emu
the golden wattle
national colours, green and gold
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<script src="//" async defer></script> here is a link to the video I took the notes from.
I don’t know Scot Morrison. No TV but there is the newspaper. The king or queen of the United States . To think May 9th is an important day in the history of Australian democracy. It’s when Australia’s first parliament was opened in Melbourne in 1901 and when Australia’s old Parliament House opened in Canberra in 1927.
I think the government has made a good choice for the new rules. It will make Australia a more safer country.
What rights and responsibilities do Australian citizens have? Why was a citizenship test introduced by former Prime Minister John Howard? What sorts of questions are in the test?The Government are going to make the process of getting citizenship easier. True or false? Give an example of a change they are going to make. New citizens will also have to prove they’re trying to fit into society by…Why are some people against the changes?What do you think are Australia’s values? What did you learn watching the BTN story?
Recently the Australian Government announced changes to the way refugees and migrants become citizens of this country. But what does it mean to become a citizen? And what sort of difference will these changes make?
Our national anthem was played across the country on Australia Day. and it got another big run at the Asian cup soccer final too. But despite all of us knowing it so well, some people think it’s actually not the right anthem for us. Amelia found out more about how we ended up with this song and what some people would like it to change to.
I have got this information from a series of books called herb fairies.
you can make marshmallows out of the root of the marshmallow
what it is used for
when I first started reading Billy Bones my fear went away God did not give anyone a spirit of fear.
Remember when I first started reading Billy Bones my fear went away God did not give anyone a spirit of fear.