Notes – The Torchlighters Heroes of the Faith. the Adoniram and Ann Judson story.

Crazy Americans the very law says you can not teach the bible but they like the holy book the bible maybe I can take the Doctor which is a new missionary a Fisherman has come to see you his name is MAN-ING let him come in hello teacher hello MAN-ING what brings you here I have news I want to be batsaed I am raedy to die for God ok I will batsa you for the Lord the fafer and the Holy Spiret  take the teacher away He is underrates take him and the Doctor to the prison you now are prisons of war now. now get a move on we have to get out of here I/m released after a year Ann and Mary died Adoniram was left sad but worked hard for thiretey years.

Note,s- John Wesley

This is going to be note,s for the John Wesley story it is a torchlighter which is a series of heroes of the faith.

When young John Wesley is miraculously saved from his family,s burning home his mother calls him a brand plucked from the burning.” She believes God has spared the boy for a special purpose. As a man , Wesley tries to live out that special purpose on his own strength and good works, but it only brings frustration and failure. Finally, after years of struggle, Wesley embraces saving grace! But his new message is not welcome in the churches.

Day shift over. How many is that today 25 dead if only we could replace some of the ropes and do you realize how much that would cost me? these worthless fools aint worth it… Aint worth it? Just hire more people. Sorry , George! Well! your in a rush! Hes younger and couldn’t have done as much work as you. But- you want to keep be working here? Thanks, George. Come on Sarah before Mrs.Higgins runs out of food. I wish I could do more for them… Which is why I sent him back to England sooner. I shall only be a moment I know he needs his rest. Oh … for a thousand tongues to sing My great Redeemers praise my great Redeemers praise. The glories of my God and King. The triumphs of His grace! The triumphs of His grace! I have been saved so let me see if I understand correctly. You have been saved.

I hope you enjoyed Note,s- John Wesley bye