The video is to teach you how to use the snipping tool .
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The video is to teach you how to use the snipping tool .
Federal Government
State & Territory Government
Local Government More than 500 local governments
Before 1901 the states were not united. In 1901 the States gave up some of their authority and gave it to the Federal Government. As the populations grew the States found it difficult to manage everything so in the 1970’s Local Governments become popular and were given some authority and money. Sometimes the 3 levels of Government disagree in this case Federal can overrule State and State can overrule Local.
Federal Government Has the power to make laws for the entire country.
State Government 6 States and 2 Territory Parliaments.
Some Issues both State and Federal overlap in this case the Federal Law over rides the State Law.
Local Government
More than 560 councils