Author: Matthew Jensen
Billy Bones Issue 11
Billy bones is about teaching your child or children about bones and that God did not give your child or children a spirit of fear instead of fear he gave your child or children the holy spirit
Rember God did not give your child or children a spirit of fear instead of fear he gave your child or children the holy spirit
Abram Lincoln-Notes
our nation is in danger pray for me farewell but i will not allow to move west john whats the mater john we will have to change trains there are some men at the next stop waiting to kill you sir but i say it can work its war Mr president his face at the sky of blue she must always keap in mind is willy going to be alwrit he is dead we cant fight to wars at once i shot a turkey one night Abram Lincoln was shot he died the following morning the inter Nation morened after his loss one life yes that is all it takes one man never gave up intell his deaf
Go math grad 4 and 6.
At the pool.
An egret is in my backyard.
How to make a pompom.
Yesterday my mum and i started to make some pompoms it was fun but hard you will need some wool , cardboard and scissors. My mum finished hers i have not finished mine.
I hope you like how to make a pompom if you have some ideas of how to make a pompom put in the comments.
Matthew in the sack slide at LEAF – Logan Eco Action Festival
A few weeks ago my family in clouding myself went to the Leaf Festival my favorite bit is the sack slide and hurt myself on it but i kept going on it but i learned to keap my hand on the sack.
Three Levels of Government in Australia

Federal Government
- Defence
- Trade
- Foreign Affairs
- Money & Taxes
- Communication
- Environment
State & Territory Government
- Health
- Education
- Mining & Agriculture
- Law & Order
- Roads & Transport
Local Government More than 500 local governments
- Local Roads
- Garbage
- Pets
- Local Building
- Permits
Before 1901 the states were not united. In 1901 the States gave up some of their authority and gave it to the Federal Government. As the populations grew the States found it difficult to manage everything so in the 1970’s Local Governments become popular and were given some authority and money. Sometimes the 3 levels of Government disagree in this case Federal can overrule State and State can overrule Local.

Federal Government Has the power to make laws for the entire country.
- Power is listed in the Constitution
- It covers issues like: immigration, marriage, communication, taxation, defence, foreign affairs.
State Government 6 States and 2 Territory Parliaments.
- They meet in the Capital city
- Schools
- Hospitals
- Roads
- Railway
- Electricity
- Water
- Mining
- Agriculture
Some Issues both State and Federal overlap in this case the Federal Law over rides the State Law.
Local Government
More than 560 councils
- Local Roads
- Parks
- Rubbish
- Library
- Street Sign
- Pet Control
Note,s- John Wesley
This is going to be note,s for the John Wesley story it is a torchlighter which is a series of heroes of the faith.
When young John Wesley is miraculously saved from his family,s burning home his mother calls him a brand plucked from the burning.” She believes God has spared the boy for a special purpose. As a man , Wesley tries to live out that special purpose on his own strength and good works, but it only brings frustration and failure. Finally, after years of struggle, Wesley embraces saving grace! But his new message is not welcome in the churches.
Day shift over. How many is that today 25 dead if only we could replace some of the ropes and do you realize how much that would cost me? these worthless fools aint worth it… Aint worth it? Just hire more people. Sorry , George! Well! your in a rush! Hes younger and couldn’t have done as much work as you. But- you want to keep be working here? Thanks, George. Come on Sarah before Mrs.Higgins runs out of food. I wish I could do more for them… Which is why I sent him back to England sooner. I shall only be a moment I know he needs his rest. Oh … for a thousand tongues to sing My great Redeemers praise my great Redeemers praise. The glories of my God and King. The triumphs of His grace! The triumphs of His grace! I have been saved so let me see if I understand correctly. You have been saved.
I hope you enjoyed Note,s- John Wesley bye